Stageman - animacja, szkolenia, eventy

STAGEMAN in Österreich
Mobil: 0664  415 90 91

Freizeit Animation


Evaluation is a process which concerns existing animation systems. It does not focus on praising or criticising but on so-called “polishing up the system”. Thus, on the one hand, evaluation has to determine good points of the animation in order to strengthen them, but on the other hand, its role is to define bad elements in order to eliminate or correct them. Evaluation requires great experience, but it also makes our animators aware of their responsibilities so that they know what is expected from them. It also saves time and a feeling of frustration is eradicated.

Why is undergoing evaluation worthwhile?

- Our consultants will determine and enhance strong points of the programme and animators
- Our consultants will determine and eliminate or correct weak points of the animation
- Our consultants will suggest the best possible solutions applied in Europe
- Our consultants will ensure a friendly atmosphere among animators and managers
- Our consultants will settle conflicts and misunderstandings, lower the level of frustration
- Our consultants will contribute to a bigger rise in animation investment


Evaluation mentoring

{img2398-zoom-left}Jakub B. Bączek is the most popular leisure time animator coach in Poland and the author of books, including Women’s Volleyball (2005), Leisure Time Animator’s Handbook (2008), Leisure Time Animation (2009) and Psychology of Events (2011) and many other publications in such a field. His books sell like hot cakes! He is also a member of Event Business Association and Event Managers Club. Jakub B. Bączek has an MA in pedagogy, physical education and works as a social worker as well, yet, eventually, he has connected his life with psychology and animation. He gives training courses  throughout Europe and the  participants are from all over the continent. He has worked as an animator in Majorca, Switzerland, Germany, Crete, Tunisia, Zakynthos, Turkey or Jamaica. He has cooperated with famous companies such as TVN, Radio Zet or Neckermann Poland. In 2010 he was awarded the title of “Health Patron”. Bączek is an academic teacher, advises travel agencies, publishes in magazines such as “Hotelier”, “Tourist Market” or “Business Psychology”. He is a passionate trainer and totally committed to his work. Thus,  as well as his extensive knowledge and considerable experience he transmits boundless energy and inspiration to his course participants  so that they  are be able to work independently.


Additional options for our Clients:

  1. We can invite your employee to one of our ANIMATOR’S TRAINING COURSES (so that you will be able to choose animators who suit you best).
  2. We can organize a CASTING for you with Animators and then you decide about a prospective cooperation with us and particular people.
  3. We can create for you an ANIMATION MASCOT, which will add life to an animation programme and will attract the attention of children as well as adults.
  4. We can equip your hotel / animators with animation materials and equipment thanks to our proven products from the ANIMATOR’S SHOP.
  5. We take individual orders so we are able to easily adapt to your needs.

Evaluation order:

1. Call or write to us
2. We will see if we can meet your needs
3. Order the mascots
Contact details:
Mobile: +48 604828342

1. Call or write to us
2. We will see if we can meet your needs
3. Order the evaluation

Contact details:
Mobile: +43 664 415 90 91

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